Europe is regarded as having the most gorgeous landscape of all the other continents. It has so many amazing nations that at times it makes you feel as though you are living in a painting. Because the food, dress, and scenery of each nation are so distinctive and dissimilar from one another, each must be visited separately to really appreciate its splendor. There are some fascinating facts about Europe, nevertheless, that you should be aware of. So, a list of them is provided below. Cheers to reading!

There are more than 400 UNESCO World Heritage Sites on the continent of Europe.
Yes, there are some magnificent UNESCO world heritage monuments in Europe that are a reflection of the great past. These locations are still kept up quite well, therefore everyone should go there.

The world’s smallest nation is Vatican City.
The Vatican City, which is 0.02 square miles in size, is regarded as the world’s tiniest nation. The location serves as the Pope’s official house and home. The nation prints its own passports, stamps, and euros. Its own flag and anthem are also present.

Europe has more than 200 different languages.
Due to its size, it is made up of many different nations and nationalities. The fact that each location has its unique culture and traditions makes this interesting.

The longest coastline in Europe is found in Norway.
The longest coastline in all of Europe is found in Norway. So be sure to check it out the next time you are in Norway.

Belgians are the originators of fries.
Everyone assumes that the word “French Fries” originated in France because of how it sounds. However, the fact remains that fries originated in Belgium. These fries are well-known and must be tried.

In Sweden, Donald Duck is a crucial component of Christmas.
A long-standing custom in Sweden is for families to gather on Christmas Eve to watch the Donlad Duck holiday special.

Belgian chocolate is renowned for being rich and delectable, and more chocolate is purchased there than anywhere else in the world.

Every visitor or even transitor always ends up purchasing at least one box.

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