You’ll be in for a surprise if you land in Lima between October 18 and October 20. One of the biggest religious parades to ever take place in Lima or in Peru will include thousands of Limenos strolling the streets covered from head to toe in purple. Here is your comprehensive reference to the miracle painting of Lima and the city’s commemoration of it to Know About Lord of the Miracles Celebration in Lima.

It’s a typical spring day in Lima—grey and overcast, but also warm and muggy. Deep purple flags wave and dangle from second-story balconies and windows, adorning the streets in Lima’s old district. The multitudes have gathered, and they are content and joyful considering the size of the gathering. Popcorn, drinks, water, and a tone of purple clothing are being sold by vendors who are emerging from the crowd. Why are they all here on this chilly October day? to honor a Jesus artwork that miraculously endured a severe earthquake in Lima in the 16th century.

Book cheap flights for Peru for your memorable Lord of the Miracles Celebration in Lima.

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