We all have taken a vacation by the beach, gone trekking in the majestic hills and walked the roads of a bustling and famous cosmopolitan. But, there are times when taking the off-beaten track surprises and satisfies us to no end. Same is the case with this Central Asian country. Boarding a flight to Turkmenistan is the first step towards that authentic experience that you long for. Had it not been for the Caspian Sea, this country would have been totally landlocked. This place is a precious stone of various cultural hues, a fact corroborated by priceless archaeological finds. This shows how deeply rooted is the Turkmen culture in history. Music is given high importance here, as that’s the way through which literary traditions have kept alive since so long. If you were to revisit the country in a couple of years, you would see a stamp of modernization as the government has big expansion plans in the pipeline, all catering to the tourism sector. That aside, there exist a variety of other attractions, including Darvaza Flaming Crater, Arch of Neutrality, Lenin Square, Orthodox Church of Alexander Nevsky, Ertogrulgazi Mosque, Carpet Musuem, and the Bronze Age Site and Anau Mosque. You won’t find the usual nightclubs and cafes here but then again, you aren’t here for a regular trip. There are several monuments, historical sites and other places of importance, all fascinating enough to catch your attention. This country is still like an untouched land living the traditional ways of life. You can get a deeper knowledge of this place and the people through a guided tour.

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