Airplanes are frequently considered the fastest mode of transport. Still, the time that it takes to travel to the field, go through security, baggage process, and further surely add on many hours to your trip. This is where high-speed trains stand out. Road stations tend to be located in or near the megacity, and hence you don’t bear to leave your home before 2 hours or further. Read on for the fastest trains in the world.

  1. Siemens Velaro E/ AVs 103 400 kmph
    Designated in Spain, Siemens Velaro is one of the fastest speed trains in the world. It achieved a speed of about 400kmph during its test speed in Spain. Still, the operation speed is limited to 350 kmph. The rain operates on the Barcelona-Madrid line.
  2. TGV POS 357 mph
    Operated by the French Rail Company, TGV Pos operates between Paris, Eastern France, and Southern Germany at a speed of 200 mph. in 2007, the TGV Pos set the world record for being the fastest train that runs at a speed of 357 mph.
  3. CRH380A Hexie 302 mph
    While CRH380A Hexie operates at a maximum speed of 236 mph for marketable operations, it reached achieved a whopping speed of 302 mph during testing. This is just one of four Chinese train series developed on high- speed main lines.
  4. Shanghai Maglev 267 mph
    Shanghai Maglev is one of the fastest trains with the most precious tickets in the world. It originates from Shanghai’s Pudong International Airport and ends at Longyang metro station on the outskirts of Shanghai. The train completed its trip in just 7 twinkles using glamorous levitation technology.
  5. Hemu-430 X 262 mph
    While South Korea’s Hemu-430 X was erected to reach a maximum speed of 267 mph, it reached 262 mph only. Still, Korea is still the world’s fourth country to develop a train that runs at this speed.
  6. Fuxing Hao CR400AF/ BF 249 mph
    The name Fuxing Hao in the Chinese language translates to mean “ revivification” and the law CR400BAF/ BF ingrained with aliases CR400AF is “ Dolphin Blue,” and CR400Bf is “ Golden Phoenix.” The CR stands for Chinese Railroads. Both trains run between Beijing South and Shanghai Hongqiao Station.
  7. The Frecciarossa 245 mph
    Italy’s Frecciarossa 1000 runs at a remarkable speed of 245 mph. It passes through Milan, Rome, Venice, and Florence. Still, Italy has limited its speed to 190 mph, the Frecciarossa 1000 reportedly reached a speed of 245 mph in 2016.

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